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Notice of Race

Event: J/24 SWEDISH OPEN 2016  

Classes: J/24
Date: 2016 July 1-3.
Organizer: Falsterbokanalens Båtklubb, Sweden (FBK)

1. Rules

1.1 The event will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).

1.2 Swedish competitors shall when racing follow the licensing rules for advertising as decided by the Swedish Sailing Federation.

1.3 Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.

1.4 Competitors shall when afloat wear personal flotation devices. This rule does not apply to short-term replacement or adjustment of clothing or personal equipment, or when competitors are in the harbor or under deck. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices. This changes RRS 40. A boat that breaks this rule may be warned or penalized at the discretion of the protest committee. 


2. Eligibility requirements

2.1 Competitors shall comply with ISAF Regulation 19.

2.2 The person in charge on board the boat shall be a member of his/her National Authority or one of its affiliated organisations.

2.3 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third party liability insurance.

2.4 Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to Race. The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.


3. Entries

3.1 Entry shall be made not later than June 23 on the online entry form, see below

3.2 For further information please contact Race secretary,

e-mail: hamnkontoret@falsterbokanalen.se
Address: FBK, Västra Hamnplan 1, 236 41  Höllviken. Sweden
Telephone +46 4045 34 92, +46 70 879 64 40

Falsterbokanalens Båtklubb 
Swedish payment to: Bankgiro: 181-7758
From outside Sweden
Falsterbokanalens Båtklubb, 
Bank details: Swedbank
IBAN no.  SE81 9500 0099 6034 0539 9670

3.3 Entry Fee: 1800 SEK. (The social events on Friday and Saturday are included, hosted by Swedish J/24 Class Association)

Entry and payment of entry fee should occur before June 23, 2016.

Late entry and/or late payment will be subjected to a late entry fee of 100 SEK).

The entry fee includes storage/mooring the day before and until the day after the races.  

4. Registration and measurement checks

4.1 Registrations shall be made at the race office not later than 15:00 

Friday July 01

4.2 Measurement certificates shall be presented along with registration.

4.3 Check of crew weight will be made.

4.4 A security check will be made on each boat prior to the race start.


5. Sailing Instructions

5.1 The sailing instructions will be handed out at registration.

6. Time schedule

Friday July 1

12:00 – 15:00 Registration, Measurement, Weight check and Launching

15:30              Helmsman meeting at the Clubhouse

17:00              Warning signal for the first race of the day. 2 races scheduled

Friday Evening:
Get together and Welcome BBQ with food and beer, hosted by Swedish J/24 Class Association.

Saturday July 2

10:00 Warning signal for the first race of the day. 4 races scheduled.

Saturday after sail BBQ and beer, hosted by FBK
Saturday Evening: Dinner, hosted by Swedish J/24 Class Association.

Sunday July 3

11:00 Warning signal for the first race of the day. 2 races scheduled.

No warning signal later than 14:30.

Prize giving


7. Racing area

7.1 The racing area will be in Höllviken less than 1 NM north of Falsterbokanalen harbour 


8. The course

8.1 Upwind-Downwind course will be sailed. Approximately 60 minutes per race.


9. Penalty’s at the time of an incident

9.1 Taking a Penalty

A boat may take a One-Turn Penalty as soon as possible according to RRS 44.2 or retire when she may have broken a rule of Part 2 or have broken rule 31.

This change some parts in RRS 44.1


10. Scoring

10.1 The low point scoring system of RRS A will apply, modified so that when three or fewer races have been completed; a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.

10.2 J/24, 3 races are required to be completed to constitute a championship.

11. Prizes

11.1 There will be prizes to top three.
Falsterbokanalens Båtklubb.

Entry Form – J24 Swedish Open 1-3 July 2016:


Participants – Click here





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